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Contact Us Address: Via Civita 28 (Sasso Barisano) 75100 MateraPhone: +39 0835 332744 Mobile/Whatsapp: +39 347 5216592 Fax: +39 0835 337331 Info: matera@sextantio.itBooking: booking@sextantio.itPress:
Brochure View the brochure of our albergo diffuso in Southern Italy, in the wonderful Sassi of Matera.
Le Grotte della Civita: albergo diffuso in the South of Italy Sextantio Albergo Diffuso The compelling beauty and breathtaking setting of many historic southern Italian
I Sassi di Matera (Cave dwellings) are a special case. Their origins are unique. Human beings have lived here for millennia: from the stone age,
I Sassi di Matera need planning in consideration of the exceptionality of this heritage. The human use of these caves has been extremely articulated during
Weddings Sextantio Le Grotte della Civita creates a unique setting for special events. The signs of past cave dwelling lifestyle are still visible on the
Our conference and meeting venues in Matera Sextantio Albergo Diffuso Le Grotte della Civita offers the possibility of hosting a maximum of twenty people in
Events in Matera Sextantio Albergo Diffuso Le Grotte della Civita offers the possibility of hosting a maximum of fifteen people in a unique setting: the
Relax in our hotel providing spa treatments in Basilicata Nothing better that finding peace of mind and body and totally relaxing with a massage treatment