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Find the peace of mind with a relaxing massage in one of the fascinating caves of Sextantio Le Grotte della Civita in Matera.
Secret Italy, from Santo Stefano di Sessanio to Sassi di Matera. Package 5 days, 4 nights.
Package 4 days, 3 nights, 2 in a Cave and 1 in a Palazzo room.
Package with 2 nights, guided tour in the Sassi di Matera Unesco site and dinner.
Two nights in a cave and breakfast, with a candlelight dinner in the XIII century rock hewn church, dozens of lit candles, an open fire and classical music. A sacred space becomes an enchanting and exclusive dining room.
Two nights and breakfast, guided tour of the Sassi of Matera, exclusive candlelight dinner in a deconsecrated XIII Century rock hewn church. Rate for two.
Discover the most suggestive corners of Matera and the history of this thousand-year-old city. During the itinerary you will visit some craftsmen’s workshops located in ancient cave-houses, to discover their forefathers’ traditions carried on by a new and creative generation. You will discover the techniques of woodcraft, terracotta and tufa.
A walk in Miglionico, a small town a few kms away from Matera, known for the medieval castle known as “Castello del Malconsiglio”, where in 1485 the noble conspirators met King Ferrante I of Aragon to induce him to review his fiscal policy. The "Conspiracy of the Barons" led to the extermination of the barons themselves. During the walk, we reach a traditional oven to discover the story of a bread twinned with Bethlehem, and you will taste some local gastronomic delights based on almonds and dried figs.
From Matera to Montescaglioso surronded by fruit and olive trees. Visit to the Benedectine Abbey. Stop in a farm holiday for a picnic and a swim in the pool.
Make a gift: the authentic experience at Sextantio Le Grotte della Civita in Matera.
A UNESCO World Heritage site since 1993, the Sassi represent a unique hamlet throughout Italy: the earliest inhabitants date back to the stone and bronze age, in the middle ages it boasted several monastic communities and later became a vibrant farming centre, owing to the rich harvests from the surrounding hills and plains.
Telefono: +39 0835 332744
Mob./WhatsApp: +39 347 5216592
Sextantio Le Grotte della Civita:
Via Civita 28 (Sasso Barisano) 75100 Matera
GPS: 40.6676647, 16.6120352
Sede Legale: Via Civita 28 – 75100 Matera
P.Iva e CF 01076990777
Codice fiscale e numero di iscrizione: 01076990777
del Registro delle Imprese di MATERA
Iscritta nella Sezione ORDINARIA il 23/01/2003
Capitale sociale in EURO: 12.500,00
Versato: 12.500,00