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Sextantio Albergo Diffuso Le Grotte della Civita offers the possibility of hosting a maximum of twenty people in a unique and breathtaking setting: the hotel’s own deconsecrated Cave Church.
The room provides Wi-Fi Internet connection, a laptop, projection screen, video-projector and a full audio-video system.
Light lunch and coffee break with local products is readily available for conference events.
In case of meetings with higher number of guests (maximum of one-hundred), the hotel provides a comfortable larger space at only 300 yards from the hotel structure.
– 3 x 2 projection screen
– PC laptop
– Video-projector
– Radio-microphones
– Full amplification system
– Laser pointer
– Complete darkened room
– Audio/visual assistance throughout the entire event
– ADLS and wireless Internet connection
A UNESCO World Heritage site since 1993, the Sassi represent a unique hamlet throughout Italy: the earliest inhabitants date back to the stone and bronze age, in the middle ages it boasted several monastic communities and later became a vibrant farming centre, owing to the rich harvests from the surrounding hills and plains.
Telefono: +39 0835 332744
Mail: matera@sextantio.it
Mob./WhatsApp: +39 347 5216592
Sextantio Le Grotte della Civita:
Via Civita 28 (Sasso Barisano) 75100 Matera
GPS: 40.6676647, 16.6120352
Sede Legale: Via Civita 28 – 75100 Matera
P.Iva e CF 01076990777
Codice fiscale e numero di iscrizione: 01076990777
del Registro delle Imprese di MATERA
Iscritta nella Sezione ORDINARIA il 23/01/2003
Capitale sociale in EURO: 12.500,00
Versato: 12.500,00